old book smell

domingo, 24 de março de 2013

See the world ( Inspired by Breathe, Pearl Jam)

Whoa. I suggest you step out on your porch.

yeah, I fucking need to step out my porch.
Run away, little girl . See it all. Oh see the world.
I miss the world!
Oh reach the door. A breath and a...I dunno know what.
Life ain't what it's worth.
A breath and a... Oh reach the door.
reach the door.
reach the door.
reach the door.
reach the door.
reach the door.
Ooh. Whoa, much more than this. Woh see the world. Much more than...
Oh, much more than. Why? what? when? where...Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy????!!!!

I just opened my door.

O lutador ( The fighter)

"That's what I am"

Lutar com palavras 
é a luta mais vã.
Entanto lutamos
mal rompe a manhã.
São muitas, eu pouco.
Algumas, tão fortes
como o javali.
Não me julgo louco.
Se o fosse, teria
poder de encantá-las.
Mas lúcido e frio,
apareço e tento
apanhar algumas
para meu sustento
num dia de vida.
Deixam-se enlaçar,
tontas à carícia
e súbito fogem
e não há ameaça
e nem 3 há sevícia
que as traga de novo
ao centro da praça.
Insisto, solerte.
Busco persuadi-las.
Ser-lhes-ei escravo
de rara humildade.
Guardarei sigilo
de nosso comércio.
Na voz, nenhum travo
de zanga ou desgosto.
Sem me ouvir deslizam,
perpassam levíssimas
e viram-me o rosto.
Lutar com palavras
parece sem fruto.
Não têm carne e sangue…
Entretanto, luto.
Palavra, palavra
(digo exasperado),
se me desafias,
aceito o combate.
Quisera possuir-te
neste descampado,
sem roteiro de unha
ou marca de dente
nessa pele clara.
Preferes o amor
de uma posse impura
e que venha o gozo
da maior tortura.
Luto corpo a corpo,
luto todo o tempo,
sem maior proveito
que o da caça ao vento.
Não encontro vestes,
não seguro formas,
é fluido inimigo
que me dobra os músculos
e ri-se das normas
da boa peleja.
Iludo-me às vezes,
pressinto que a entrega
se consumará.
Já vejo palavras
em coro submisso,
esta me ofertando
seu velho calor,
aquela sua glória
feita de mistério,
outra seu desdém,
outra seu ciúme,
e um sapiente amor
me ensina a fruir
de cada palavra
a essência captada,
o sutil queixume.
Mas ai! é o instante
de entreabrir os olhos:
entre beijo e boca,
tudo se evapora.
O ciclo do dia
ora se conclui 8
e o inútil duelo
jamais se resolve.
O teu rosto belo,
ó palavra, esplende
na curva da noite
que toda me envolve.
Tamanha paixão
e nenhum pecúlio.
Cerradas as portas,
a luta prossegue
nas ruas do sono.

By Carlos Drummond de Andrade


It’s amazing the power a single word has. It’s also inevitable the reaction the words cause. Like that new perfume commercial in which Brad Pitt says: INEVITABLE... almost bizarre if it wasn’t  enchanting.
They are such a powerful thing that they may kill or resurrect one. And the lack of them drives me crazy. I love playing with words and I wish I had total control over them. Ok, It’s good to be speechless sometimes.
Sadly enough, I’d say, words can awake poignant memories.
Crazily enough, as I read the word canteen I feel like crying, I feel Numb, I feel down, I feel sad.
Even crazier, I usually remember the very moment I learned a new word ( in a foreign language, of course), when I first heard that, the situation and who taught me that.
That’s exactly why I don’t wanna hear, read or write the word canteen.
But it’s there!


quarta-feira, 20 de março de 2013

One year ago...

I was having one of my best weekends ever in LONDON!

"Nostalgie" is killing me.

I wish I had more time to spend on writing...cause ideas...well, I have plenty of them!

Right now, all I can say is that I'm addicted to Such Sweet Nothing ( got it?) and her voice takes me to some other (ENG)land!

You took my heart and you had it in your mouth
And with a word all my love came rushing out
And every whisper it's the worst
Emptied out by a single word
There is a hollow in me now

So I put my faith in something unknown
I'm living on such sweet nothing
But I'm tired of hope with nothing to hold
I'm living on such sweet nothing
And it's hard to learn
And it's hard to love
When you're giving me such sweet nothing
Sweet nothing
Sweet nothing
You're giving me such sweet nothing

It isn't easy for me to let it go
Cause I've swallowed every single word
And every whisper, every sigh
Eats away this heart of mine
And there is a hollow in me now

So I put my faith in something unknown
I'm living on such sweet nothing
But I'm tired of hope with nothing to hold
I'm living on such sweet nothing
And it's hard to learn
And it's hard to love
When you're giving me such sweet nothing
Sweet nothing
Sweet nothing
You're giving me such sweet nothing

And it's not enough
To tell me that you care
When we both know
That words are empty air
You give me nothing!

I'm a mom!