old book smell

quinta-feira, 26 de dezembro de 2013


I`ve been out of Facebook for a while and, honestly, haven`t been missing it at all.
But decided to take a look at it for Xmas time...and...WTF? Everybody is getting married?

I deleted my account again...  = /


And then, that ache again...

A Stomachache. It`s killing me.
Maybe because of the amount of tequilas I had...maybe...really maybe.
A mix of anxiety, anger, pain, cry, happiness, thankfulness, sadness, fear, boredom, I dunno.

Are you home already? Please, tell me.
I`ve got the keys, but not the keys I wish.
I`ve got the card, but not the card I need.
I`ve got the kiss, but not the kiss I deserve.
I`ve got the look, but not the look I want.
I`ve got the song, but not the song I crave. 

I`ve heard it`s been raining a lot. Not here, only inside.

I`ve got a stomachache!

segunda-feira, 23 de dezembro de 2013

Hit the road, Viv!

And I keep following the tradition of spending New Year in a different place every year...

Love me two times, one for tomorrow one just for today...
Love me two times, I'm gonna away!!!!!!

See ya around, babies!  


You call me a dog well that's fair enough
'Cause it ain't no use to pretend
You're wrong
When you call me out I can't hide anymore
I have no disguise you can't see through

Well you say it's bad luck
To have fallen for me
Well what can I say to make it good for you
You wore me out like an old winter coat
Trying to be safe from the cold

But when it's my time to throw
The next stone
I'll call you beautiful if I call at all

You tell me I'm low 'cause I've slept on the floor
And out in the woods with the badgers & wolves
You threw me out 'cause I went digging for gold
And I came home with a handful of coal

But when it's my time to throw the next stone
I'll call you beautiful if I call at all
And when it's my time to call your bluff
I'll call you beautiful or leave it alone
You call me a dog
Well that's fair enough
It doesn't bother me as long as you know
Bad luck will follow you
If you keep me on a leash and
You drag me along

quinta-feira, 12 de dezembro de 2013

quarta-feira, 4 de dezembro de 2013

Freud explica

Esse papo de que Freud explica sempre veio aos meus ouvidos com certa desconfiança... Mas será?

Sou da área de Humanas, acredito nas palavras, idolatro a Linguística..mas...será?

A vida dá muitos tapas na cara e hoje levei mais um. Freud explica mesmo! Implica e ainda te assusta  quando você consegue olhar para dentro de si. Talvez tenha sido um dos primeiros olhares que eu dei para o meu interior de maneira tão racional e clara.

O autoconhecimento pode ser dolorido, tenebroso e até amedrontar, mas vale a pena...porque minha alma não é pequena.

Get to know myself better...


personnes......mensen...mense...njerëz...Menschen...ժողովուրդ...الناس... xalq...jende...хора...人...사람들...mennesker...ľudia...ihmiset...άνθρωποι...emberek...
Ah, pessoas são sempre pessoas...anywhere.
People are strange...But I like them... I like people. And I learned it today.

terça-feira, 3 de dezembro de 2013


She always had abortions in the fifth month. Ok, maybe not always...but it was the third time already.
And she could feel another one coming... Sad, but true...

Gotta love metaphors!

Ah, the kids...

I always wanted to be a mother.
No... not true. Before 19, I kinda hated kids...Dunno why.
After that, started teaching them, fell completely in love with them..there was Pedro, Leo, Luisa, Rafael, Samira, Luana, Isabelle, Enzo, Gabi and maaany others.
And there was ALEXANDER... that was real love.
But sadly, I had given this up lately and I  DO KNOW WHY.
Thinking this was not for me, I was not worthy or good enough to receive such a grace.
But a few hours can change everything...everything..

Visiting a sisfriend who has got lovely twins...I realized it is possible..and it will happen!!!

Ahhh, the kids! The power of the kids!

I'm a mom!