old book smell

terça-feira, 3 de dezembro de 2013

Ah, the kids...

I always wanted to be a mother.
No... not true. Before 19, I kinda hated kids...Dunno why.
After that, started teaching them, fell completely in love with them..there was Pedro, Leo, Luisa, Rafael, Samira, Luana, Isabelle, Enzo, Gabi and maaany others.
And there was ALEXANDER... that was real love.
But sadly, I had given this up lately and I  DO KNOW WHY.
Thinking this was not for me, I was not worthy or good enough to receive such a grace.
But a few hours can change everything...everything..

Visiting a sisfriend who has got lovely twins...I realized it is possible..and it will happen!!!

Ahhh, the kids! The power of the kids!

Um comentário:

I'm a mom!